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Windows Pid Checker Xploitz

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  3. Windows Pid Checker

How do I find my product id (PID)? An instruction said press windows key and pause but I don't have a 'pause'. Another instruction said go to control panel and find properties. Nothing called. Post on 01-Dec-2014. Category: Documents. O Displays the owning process ID associated with each connection.-n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form. Output: TCP LISTENING 15776. Then Kill the process by PID taskkill /F /PID 15776 /F - Specifies to forcefully terminate the process(es).

I'm running a PHP script and continue to receive errors like:

Notice: Undefined variable: my_variable_name in C:wampwwwmypathindex.php on line 10

Notice: Undefined index: my_index C:wampwwwmypathindex.php on line 11

Line 10 and 11 looks like this:

What is the meaning of these error messages?

Why do they appear all of a sudden? I used to use this script for years and I've never had any problem.

How do I fix them?

This is a General Reference question for people to link to as duplicate, instead of having to explain the issue over and over again. I feel this is necessary because most real-world answers on this issue are very specific.

Related Meta discussion:

People with experience doing that kind of thing, (with the ftp servers and whatnot) might not have any problems at all. https://equiever786.weebly.com/blog/gplayer-for-mac.

28 Answers

From the vast wisdom of the PHP Manual:

Relying on the default value of an uninitialized variable is problematic in the case of including one file into another which uses the same variable name. It is also a major security risk with register_globals turned on. E_NOTICE level error is issued in case of working with uninitialized variables, however not in the case of appending elements to the uninitialized array. isset() language construct can be used to detect if a variable has been already initialized. Additionally and more ideal is the solution of empty() since it does not generate a warning or error message if the variable is not initialized.

From PHP documentation:

No warning is generated if the variable does not exist. That means empty() is essentially the concise equivalent to !isset($var) || $var false.

Online Pid Checker

This means that you could use only empty() to determine if the variable is set, and in addition it checks the variable against the following, 0, 0.0, ', '0', null, false or [].

The Ultimate Pid Checker


Test the above snippet in the 3v4l.org online PHP editor

Although PHP does not require a variable declaration, it does recommend it in order to avoid some security vulnerabilities or bugs where one would forget to give a value to a variable that will be used later in the script. What PHP does in the case of undeclared variables is issue a very low level error, E_NOTICE, one that is not even reported by default, but the Manual advises to allow during development.

Ways to deal with the issue:

  1. Recommended: Declare your variables, for example when you try to append a string to an undefined variable. Or use isset() / !empty() to check if they are declared before referencing them, as in:

    This has become much cleaner as of PHP 7.0, now you can use the null coalesce operator:

  2. Set a custom error handler for E_NOTICE and redirect the messages away from the standard output (maybe to a log file):

  3. Disable E_NOTICE from reporting. A quick way to exclude just E_NOTICE is:

  4. Suppress the error with the @ operator.

Note: It's strongly recommended to implement just point 1.

This notice appears when you (or PHP) try to access an undefined index of an array.

Ways to deal with the issue:

  1. Check if the index exists before you access it. For this you can use isset() or array_key_exists():

  2. The language construct list() may generate this when it attempts to access an array index that does not exist:

Two variables are used to access two array elements, however there is only one array element, index 0, so this will generate:

Notice: Undefined offset: 1

The notices above appear often when working with $_POST, $_GET or $_SESSION. For $_POST and $_GET you just have to check if the index exists or not before you use them. For $_SESSION you have to make sure you have the session started with session_start() and that the index also exists.

Also note that all 3 variables are superglobals and are uppercase.


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Q1: this notice means $varname is not defined at current scope of the script.

Q2: Use of isset(), empty() conditions before using any suspicious variable works well.

Or, as a quick and dirty solution:

Note about sessions:

  • When using sessions, session_start(); is required to be placed inside all files using sessions.

Error display @ operator

For undesired and redundant notices, one could use the dedicated @ operator to »hide« undefined variable/index messages.

  • This is usually discouraged. Newcomers tend to way overuse it.
  • It's very inappropriate for code deep within the application logic (ignoring undeclared variables where you shouldn't), e.g. for function parameters, or in loops.
  • There's one upside over the isset?: or ?? super-supression however. Notices still can get logged. And one may resurrect @-hidden notices with: set_error_handler('var_dump');
    • Additonally you shouldn't habitually use/recommend if (isset($_POST['shubmit'])) in your initial code.
    • Newcomers won't spot such typos. It just deprives you of PHPs Notices for those very cases. Add @ or isset only after verifying functionality.
    • Fix the cause first. Not the notices.

  • @ is mainly acceptable for $_GET/$_POST input parameters, specifically if they're optional.

And since this covers the majority of such questions, let's expand on the most common causes:

$_GET / $_POST / $_REQUEST undefined input

  • First thing you do when encountering an undefined index/offset, is check for typos:
    $count = $_GET['whatnow?'];

    • Is this an expected key name and present on each page request?
    • Variable names and array indicies are case-sensitive in PHP.
  • Secondly, if the notice doesn't have an obvious cause, use var_dump or print_r to verify all input arrays for their curent content:

    Both will reveal if your script was invoked with the right or any parameters at all.

  • Alternativey or additionally use your browser devtools (F12) and inspect the network tab for requests and parameters:

    POST parameters and GET input will be be shown separately.

  • For $_GET parameters you can also peek at the QUERY_STRING in

    PHP has some rules to coalesce non-standard parameter names into the superglobals. Apache might do some rewriting as well. You can also look at supplied raw $_COOKIES and other HTTP request headers that way.

  • More obviously look at your browser address bar for GET parameters:


    The name=value pairs after the ? question mark are your query (GET) parameters. Thus this URL could only possibly yield $_GET['id'] and $_GET['sort'].

  • Finally check your <form> and <input> declarations, if you expect a parameter but receive none.

    • Ensure each required input has an <input name=FOO>
    • The id= or title= attribute does not suffice.
    • A method=POST form ought to populate $_POST.
    • Whereas a method=GET (or leaving it out) would yield $_GET variables.
    • It's also possible for a form to supply action=script.php?get=param via $_GET and the remaining method=POST fields in $_POST alongside.
    • With modern PHP configurations (≥ 5.6) it has become feasible (not fashionable) to use $_REQUEST['vars'] again, which mashes GET and POST params.
  • If you are employing mod_rewrite, then you should check both the access.log as well as enable the RewriteLog to figure out absent parameters.


  • The same sanity checks apply to file uploads and $_FILES['formname'].
  • Moreover check for enctype=multipart/form-data
  • As well as method=POST in your <form> declaration.
  • See also: PHP Undefined index error $_FILES?


  • The $_COOKIE array is never populated right after setcookie(), but only on any followup HTTP request.
  • Additionally their validity times out, they could be constraint to subdomains or individual paths, and user and browser can just reject or delete them.

Generally because of 'bad programming', and a possibility for mistakes now or later.

  1. If it's a mistake, make a proper assignment to the variable first: $varname=0;
  2. If it really is only defined sometimes, test for it: if (isset($varname)), before using it
  3. If it's because you spelled it wrong, just correct that
  4. Maybe even turn of the warnings in you PHP-settings
Windows Pid Checker Xploitz

It means you are testing, evaluating, or printing a variable that you have not yet assigned anything to. It means you either have a typo, or you need to check that the variable was initialized to something first. Check your logic paths, it may be set in one path but not in another.

I didn't want to disable notice because it's helpful, but wanted to avoid too much typing.

My solution was this function:

So if I want to reference to $name and echo if exists, I simply write:

For array elements:

In page if I want to refer to $_REQUEST['name']:

The best way for getting input string is:

This one-liner is almost equivalent to:

If you absolutely want string value, just like:

Its because the variable '$user_location' is not getting defined. If you are using any if loop inside which you are declaring the '$user_location' variable then you must also have an else loop and define the same. For example:

The above code will create error as The if loop is not satisfied and in the else loop '$user_location' was not defined. Still PHP was asked to echo out the variable. So to modify the code you must do the following:

In reply to 'Why do they appear all of a sudden? I used to use this script for years and I've never had any problem.'

It is very common for most sites to operate under the 'default' error reporting of 'Show all errors, but not 'notices' and 'deprecated'. This will be set in php.ini and apply to all sites on the server. This means that those 'notices' used in the examples will be suppressed (hidden) while other errors, considered more critical, will be shown/recorded.

The other critical setting is the errors can be hidden (i.e. display_errors set to 'off' or 'syslog').

What will have happened in this case is that either the error_reporting was changed to also show notices (as per examples) and/or that the settings were changed to display_errors on screen (as opposed to suppressing them/logging them).

Why have they changed?

The obvious/simplest answer is that someone adjusted either of these settings in php.ini, or an upgraded version of PHP is now using a different php.ini from before. That's the first place to look.

However it is also possible to override these settings in

  • .htconf (webserver configuration, including vhosts and sub-configurations)*
  • .htaccess
  • in php code itself

and any of these could also have been changed.

There is also the added complication that the web server configuration can enable/disable .htaccess directives, so if you have directives in .htaccess that suddenly start/stop working then you need to check for that.

(.htconf / .htaccess assume you're running as apache. If running command line this won't apply; if running IIS or other webserver then you'll need to check those configs accordingly)


  • Check error_reporting and display_errors php directives in php.ini has not changed, or that you're not using a different php.ini from before.
  • Check error_reporting and display_errors php directives in .htconf (or vhosts etc) have not changed
  • Check error_reporting and display_errors php directives in .htaccess have not changed
  • If you have directive in .htaccess, check if they are still permitted in the .htconf file
  • Finally check your code; possibly an unrelated library; to see if error_reporting and display_errors php directives have been set there.

the quick fix is to assign your variable to null at the top of your code

Online pid checker

I used to curse this error, but it can be helpful to remind you to escape user input.

For instance, if you thought this was clever, shorthand code:

.Think again! A better solution is:

(I use a custom html() function to escape characters, your mileage may vary)

I use all time own useful function exst() which automatically declare variables.

Your code will be -

In a very Simple Language.
The mistake is you are using a variable $user_location which is not defined by you earlier and it doesn't have any value So I recommend you to please declare this variable beforeusing it, For Example:

$user_location = ';
$user_location = 'Los Angles';This is a very common error you can face.So don't worry just declare the variable and Enjoy Coding.Ultimate

In PHP 7.0 it's now possible to use Null coalescing operator:

Equals to:


Over time, PHP has become a more security-focused language. Settings which used to be turned off by default are now turned on by default. A perfect example of this is E_STRICT, which became turned on by default as of PHP 5.4.0.

Furthermore, according to PHP documentation, by default, E_NOTICE is disabled in php.ini. PHP docs recommend turning it on for debugging purposes. However, when I download PHP from the Ubuntu repository–and from BitNami's Windows stack–I see something else.

Notice that error_reporting is actually set to the production value by default, not to the 'default' value by default. This is somewhat confusing and is not documented outside of php.ini, so I have not validated this on other distributions.

To answer your question, however, this error pops up now when it did not pop up before because:

  1. You installed PHP and the new default settings are somewhat poorly documented but do not exclude E_NOTICE.

  2. E_NOTICE warnings like undefined variables and undefined indexes actually help to make your code cleaner and safer. I can tell you that, years ago, keeping E_NOTICE enabled forced me to declare my variables. It made it a LOT easier to learn C, were not declaring variables is much bigger of a nuisance.


  1. Turn off E_NOTICE by copying the 'Default value' E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED and replacing it with what is currently uncommented after the equals sign in error_reporting =. Restart Apache, or PHP if using CGI or FPM. Make sure you are editing the 'right' php.ini. The correct one will be Apache if you are running PHP with Apache, fpm or php-fpm if running PHP-FPM, cgi if running PHP-CGI, etc. This is not the recommended method, but if you have legacy code that's going to be exceedingly difficult to edit, then it might be your best bet.

  2. Turn off E_NOTICE on the file or folder level. This might be preferable if you have some legacy code but want to do things the 'right' way otherwise. To do this, you should consult Apache2, Nginx, or whatever your server of choice is. In Apache, you would use php_value inside of <Directory>.

  3. Rewrite your code to be cleaner. If you need to do this while moving to a production environment or don't want someone to see your errors, make sure you are disabling any display of errors, and only logging your errors (see display_errors and log_errors in php.ini and your server settings).

To expand on option 3: This is the ideal. If you can go this route, you should. If you are not going this route initially, consider moving this route eventually by testing your code in a development environment. While you're at it, get rid of ~E_STRICT and ~E_DEPRECATED to see what might go wrong in the future. You're going to see a LOT of unfamiliar errors, but it's going to stop you from having any unpleasant problems when you need to upgrade PHP in the future.


Undefined variable: my_variable_name - This occurs when a variable has not been defined before use. When the PHP script is executed, it internally just assumes a null value. However, in which scenario would you need to check a variable before it was defined? Ultimately, this is an argument for 'sloppy code'. As a developer, I can tell you that I love it when I see an open source project where variables are defined as high up in their scopes as they can be defined. It makes it easier to tell what variables are going to pop up in the future and makes it easier to read/learn the code.

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Windows Pid Checker

Undefined index: my_index - This occurs when you try to access a value in an array and it does not exist. To prevent this error, perform a conditional check.

Another option is to declare an empty array at the top of your function. This is not always possible.

(additional tip)

  • When I was encountering these and other issues, I used NetBeans IDE (free) and it gave me a host of warnings and notices. Some of them offer very helpful tips. This is not a requirement, and I don't use IDEs anymore except for large projects. I'm more of a vim person these days :).

undefined index means in an array you requested for unavailable array index for example

undefined variable means you have used completely not existing variable or which is not defined or initialized by that name for example

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undefined offset means in array you have asked for non existing key. And the solution for this is to check before use

Regarding this part of the question:

Why do they appear all of a sudden? Mega particle pack geometry dash mac download free. I used to use this script for years and I've never had any problem.

No definite answers but here are a some possible explanations of why settings can 'suddenly' change:

  1. You have upgraded PHP to a newer version which can have other defaults for error_reporting, display_errors or other relevant settings.

  2. You have removed or introduced some code (possibly in a dependency) that sets relevant settings at runtime using ini_set() or error_reporting() (search for these in the code)

  3. You changed the webserver configuration (assuming apache here): .htaccess files and vhost configurations can also manipulate php settings.

  4. Usually notices don't get displayed / reported (see PHP manual)so it is possible that when setting up the server, the php.ini file could not be loaded for some reason (file permissions??) and you were on the default settings. Later on, the 'bug' has been solved (by accident) and now it CAN load the correct php.ini file with the error_reporting set to show notices.

If working with classes you need to make sure you reference member variables using $this:

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Another reason why an undefined index notice will be thrown, would be that a column was omitted from a database query.


Then trying to access more columns/rows inside a loop.


or in a while loop:

Something else that needs to be noted is that on a *NIX OS and Mac OS X, things are case-sensitive.

Consult the followning Q&A's on Stack:

Using a ternary is simple, readable, and clean:

Pre PHP 7
Assign a variable to the value of another variable if it's set, else assign null (or whatever default value you need):

PHP 7+
The same except using Null Coalescing Operator. There's no longer a need to call isset() as this is built in, and no need to provide the variable to return as it's assumed to return the value of the variable being checked:

Both will stop the Notices from the OP question, and both are the exact equivalent of:

If you don't require setting a new variable then you can directly use the ternary's returned value, such as with echo, function arguments, etc:



The above will work just the same with arrays, including sessions etc, replacing the variable being checked with e.g.:
or however many levels deep you need, e.g.:


It is possible to suppress the PHP Notices with @ or reduce your error reporting level, but it does not fix the problem, it simply stops it being reported in the error log. This means that your code still tried to use a variable that was not set, which may or may not mean something doesn't work as intended - depending on how crucial the missing value is.

You should really be checking for this issue and handling it appropriately, either serving a different message, or even just returning a null value for everything else to identify the precise state.

If you just care about the Notice not being in the error log, then as an option you could simply ignore the error log.

Probably you were using old PHP version until and now upgraded PHP thats the reason it was working without any error till now from years.until PHP4 there was no error if you are using variable without defining it but as of PHP5 onwards it throws errors for codes like mentioned in question.

When dealing with files, a proper enctype and a POST method are required, which will trigger an undefined index notice if either are not included in the form.

Serial number rave report 8949 schedule 2017. The manual states the following basic syntax:




One common cause of a variable not existing after an HTML form has been submitted is the form element is not contained within a <form> tag:

Example: Element not contained within the <form>

Example: Element now contained within the <form>

I asked a question about this and I was referred to this post with the message:

This question already has an answer here:

“Notice: Undefined variable”, “Notice: Undefined index”, and “Notice: Undefined offset” using PHP

I am sharing my question and solution here:

This is the error:

Line 154 is the problem. This is what I have in line 154:

I think the problem is that I am writing if conditions for the variable $city, which is not the key but the value in $key => $city. First, could you confirm if that is the cause of the warning? Second, if that is the problem, why is it that I cannot write a condition based on the value? Does it have to be with the key that I need to write the condition?

UPDATE 1: The problem is that when executing $citiesCounterArray[$key], sometimes the $key corresponds to a key that does not exist in the $citiesCounterArray array, but that is not always the case based on the data of my loop. What I need is to set a condition so that if $key exists in the array, then run the code, otherwise, skip it.

UPDATE 2: This is how I fixed it by using array_key_exists():

These errors occur whenever we are using a variable that is not set.

The best way to deal with these is set error reporting on while development.

To set error reporting on:

On production servers, error reporting is off, therefore, we do not get these errors.

On the development server, however, we can set error reporting on.

To get rid of this error, we see the following example:

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We can initialize the variables to NULL before assigning their values or using them.

So, we can modify the code as:

This will not disturb any program logic and will not produce Notice even if $test does not have value.

So, basically, its always better to set error reporting ON for development.

And fix all the errors.

And on production, error reporting should be set to off.

Those notices are because you don't have the used variable defined and my_index key was not present into $my_array variable.

Those notices were triggered every time, because your code is not correct, but probably you didn't have the reporting of notices on.

Solve the bugs:

Hp drivers mac os sierra. Another way to get this out:

In PHP you need fist to define the variable after that you can use it.
We can check variable is defined or not in very efficient way!.

Simple Explanation

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged phparraysvariableswarningsundefined-index or ask your own question.

<p>Cracking Passwords Version 1.1</p><p>file:///D:/password10.html</p><p>Cracking Passwords Version 1.1by: J. DravetFebruary 15, 2010 AbstractThis document is for people who want to learn to the how and why of password cracking. There is a lot of information being presented and you should READ IT ALL BEFORE you attempted doing anything documented here. I do my best to provide step by step instructions along with the reasons for doing it this way. Other times I will point to a particular website where you find the information. In those cases someone else has done what I attempting and did a good or great job and I did not want to steal their hard work. These instructions have several excerpts from a combination of posts from pureh@te, granger53, irongeek, PrairieFire, RaginRob, stasik, and Solar Designer. I would also like to thank each of them and others for the help they have provided me on the BackTrack forum. I will cover both getting the SAM from inside windows and from the BackTrack CD, DVD, or USB flash drive. The SAM is the Security Accounts Manager database where local usernames and passwords are stored. For legal purposes I am using my own system for this article. The first step is to get a copy of pwdump. You can choose one from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pwdump. Update: I used to use pwdump7 to dump my passwords, however I have come across a new utility called fgdump from http://www.foofus.net/fizzgig/fgdump/ This new utility will dump passwords from clients and Active Directory (Windows 2000 and 2003 for sure, not sure about Windows 2008) where pwdump7 only dumps client passwords. I have included a sample hash.txt that has simple passwords and should be cracked very easily. NOTE: Some anti-virus software packages flag pwdump* and fgdump as trojan horse programs or some other unwanted program. If necessary, you can add an exclusion for fgdump and/or pwdump to your anti-virus package so it won't flag them. However it is better for the community if you contact your anti-virus vendor and ask them to not flag the tool as a virus/malware/trojan horse. You can find the latest version of this document at http://www.backtrack-linux.org/</p><p>Contents1 LM vs. NTLM 2 Syskey 3 Cracking Windows Passwords 3.1 Extracting the hashes from the Windows SAM 3.1.1 Using BackTrack Tools Using bkhive and samdump v1.1.1 (BT2 and BT3) Using samdump2 v2.0.1 (BT4) Cached Credentials 3.1.2 Using Windows Tools Using fgdump Using gsecdump1 of 45</p><p>2/15/2010 3:48 PM</p><p>Cracking Passwords Version 1.1</p><p>file:///D:/password10.html</p><p> Using pwdump7 Cached Credentials 3.2 Extracting the hashes from the Windows SAM remotely 3.2.1 Using BackTrack Tools ettercap 3.2.2 Using Windows Tools Using fgdump 3.3 Cracking Windows Passwords 3.3.1 Using BackTrack Tools John the Ripper BT3 and BT4 Cracking the LM hash Cracking the NTLM hash Cracking the NTLM using the cracked LM hash Cracking cached credentials John the Ripper - current Get and Compile Cracking the LM hash Cracking the LM hash using known letter(s) in known location(s) (knownforce) Cracking the NTLM hash Cracking the NTLM hash using the cracked LM hash (dumbforce) Cracking cached credentials Using MDCrack Cracking the LM hash Cracking the NTLM hash Cracking the NTLM hash using the cracked LM hash Using Ophcrack Cracking the LM hash Cracking the NTLM hash Cracking the NTLM hash using the cracked LM hash 3.3.2 Using Windows Tools John the Ripper Cracking the LM hash Cracking the NTLM hash Cracking the NTLM hash using the cracked LM hash Cracking cached credentials Using MDCrack Cracking the LM hash Cracking the NTLM hash Cracking the NTLM hash using the cracked LM hash Using Ophcrack Cracking the LM hash Cracking the NTLM hash Cracking the NTLM hash using the cracked LM hash Using Cain and Abel 3.3.3 Using a Live CD Ophcrack 4. Changing Windows Passwords 4.1 Changing Local User Passwords 4.1.1 Using BackTrack Tools chntpw 4.1.2 Using a Live CD</p><p>2 of 45</p><p>2/15/2010 3:48 PM</p><p>Cracking Passwords Version 1.1</p><p>file:///D:/password10.html</p><p> chntpw System Rescue CD 4.2 Changing Active Directory Passwords 5 plain-text.info 6 Cracking Novell NetWare Passwords 7 Cracking Linux/Unix Passwords 8 Cracking networking equipment passwords 8.1 Using BackTrack tools 8.1.1 Using Hydra 8.1.2 Using Xhydra 8.1.3 Using Medusa 8.1.4 Using John the Ripper to crack a Cisco hash 8.2 Using Windows tools 8.2.1 Using Brutus 9 Cracking Applications 9.1 Cracking Oracle 11g (sha1) 9.2 Cracking Oracle passwords over the wire 9.3 Cracking Office passwords 9.4 Cracking tar passwords 9.5 Cracking zip passwords 9.6 Cracking pdf passwords 10 Wordlists aka Dictionary attack 10.1 Using John the Ripper to generate a wordlist 10.2 Configuring John the Ripper to use a wordlist 10.3 Using crunch to generate a wordlist 10.4 Generate a wordlist from a textfile or website 10.5 Using premade wordlists 10.6 Other wordlist generators 10.7 Manipulating your wordlist 11 Rainbow Tables 11.1 What are they? 11.2 Generating your own 11.2.1 rcrack - obsolete but works 11.2.2 rcracki 11.2.3 rcracki - boinc client 11.2.4 Generating a rainbow table 11.3 WEP cracking 11.4 WPA-PSK 11.4.1 airolib 11.4.2 pyrit 12 Distributed Password cracking 12.1 john 12.2 medussa (not a typo this is not medusa) 13 using a GPU 13.1 cuda - nvidia 13.2 stream - ati 14 example hash.txt</p><p>1 LM vs. NTLMThe LM hash is the old style hash used in MS operating systems before NT 3.1. It converts the password to</p><p>3 of 45</p><p>2/15/2010 3:48 PM</p><p>Cracking Passwords Version 1.1</p><p>file:///D:/password10.html</p><p>uppercase, null-pads or truncates the password to 14 characters. The password is split into two 7 character halves and uses the DES algorithm. NT 3.1 to XP SP2 supports LM hashes for backward compatibility and is enabled by default. Vista supports LM hashes but is disabled by default. Given the weaknesses in the LM hash it is recommended to disable using LM hashes for all MS operating systems using the steps in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/299656 NTLM was introduced in NT 3.1 and does not covert the password to uppercase, does not break the password apart, and supports password lengths greater than 14. There are two versions of NTLM v1 and v2. Do to a weakness in NTLM v1 is should not be used. Microsoft has included support for NTLM v2 for all of its operating systems either via service pack or the Directory Services client (for windows 9X). You enable NTLM v2 by following the instructions at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/239869. For maximum security you should set the LMCompatibility to 3 for Windows 9X and LMCompatibilityLevel to 5 for NT, 2000, XP, and 2003. Of course you should test these changes BEFORE you put them into a production environment. If LM hashes are disabled on your system the output of pwdump and/or the text file will look like: Administrator:500:NO PASSWORD*********************:00AB1D1285F410C30A83B435F2CA798D::: Guest:501:NO PASSWORD*********************:31A6CAE0D36AD931B76C59D7E1C039C0::: HelpAssistant:1000:NO PASSWORD*********************:BF23C2595478A6279F7CB53EF76E601F::: SUPPORT_3845a0:1002:NO PASSWORD*********************:0C8D62E10A6240BACD910C8AB295BB79::: ASPNET:1005:9F07AE96CA4310752BDC083AAC960496:A99C1C3DB39E3C732EF5C2F63579AF96::: The first field is the username. The second field is the last four numbers of the SID for that username. The SID is a security identifier that is unique to each username. The third field is the LM hash. The forth field is the NTLM hash. If you do not have a ASPNET user account do not worry about it. If you do have a ASPNET user account do NOT change the password as I am told that will break something. What I did was delete the account and then recreate it using: systemroot%Microsoft.NETFrameworkv1.1.4322aspnet_regiis.exe /i</p><p>2 SyskeyTo make it more difficult to crack your passwords, use syskey. For more information on syskey see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310105. The short version is syskey encrypts the SAM. The weakest option but most convenient is to store a system generated password locally; locally means the registry. The up side is the SAM gets encrypted and you can reboot the server remotely without extra equipment. The next option is password startup. This is slightly more difficult to get around, but if you remotely reboot the server, it will stop and wait for someone to enter the password. You will need a KVM over IP or a serial port concentrator so you can enter the password remotely. The most secure option is the system generated password stored on a floppy disk. The downside to this option is floppy disks fail, you misplace the floppy disk, newer equipment does not have a floppy disk drive, no remote reboots, and you will probably leave the floppy in the drive so you can remote reboot and that defeats security. I use a system generated password stored locally, weak but better than not doing it. To disable syskey use chntpw and follow its instructions.</p><p>3 Cracking Windows Passwords3.1 Extracting the hashes from the Windows SAM 3.1.1 Using BackTrack Tools</p><p>4 of 45</p><p>2/15/2010 3:48 PM</p><p>Cracking Passwords Version 1.1</p><p>file:///D:/password10.html</p><p> Using bkhive and samdump2 v1.1.1 (BT2 and BT3) 1. # mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/XXX mount your windows partition substituting hda1 for whatever your windows partition is 2. if the syskey password is stored locally you need to extract it from the registry so you can decrypt the SAM. If syskey is setup to prompt for a password or the password is on a floppy, stop now and read the syskey documentation in this document for more information about syskey. If you installed windows to something other C:WINDOWS please substitute the correct path. WARNING the path is case sensitive. The filenames of sam, security, and system are case sensitive. On my system these files are lowercase. I have come across other XP systems where they are uppercase. On the Vista system I have used the filenames are uppercase. BackTrack 2 users use the following: # bkhive-linux /mnt/XXX/WINDOWS/system32/config/system syskey.txt BackTrack 3 users use the following: # bkhive /mnt/XXX/WINDOWS/system32/config/system syskey.txt 3. # samdump2 /mnt/XXX/WINDOWS/system32/config/sam syskey.txt &gt;hash.txt samdump2 will dump the SAM to the screen and the &gt; character redirects the output to a file called hash.txt you can also run samdump2 with the -o parameter to write the output to a file # samdump2 -o hash.txt /mnt/XXX/WINDOWS/system32/config/sam syskey.txt Using new samdump2 v2.0 (BT4) The current version is 2.0.1 and has the benefit of being able to extract the syskey on its own. This means dumping the hashes in now a 1 step process instead of two. To upgrade and run sampdump2 v2.0.1: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. download the current sampdump2 from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=133599 # tar -xjvf samdump2-2.0.1.tar.bz2 # cd samdump2-2.0.1 # make # cp samdump2 /usr/local/bin/samdump20 this will keep the existing version. If you want to overwrite the existing version do: # cp samdump2 /usr/local/bin/ 6. mount your windows partition substituting hda1 for whatever your windows partition is # mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/XXX 7. if the syskey password is stored locally samdump2 v2.0 will extract it from the registry so it can decrypt the SAM. If syskey is setup to prompt for a password or the password is on a floppy, stop now and read the syskey documentation in this document for more information about syskey. If you installed windows to something other C:WINDOWS please substitute the correct path. WARNING the path is case sensitive. The filenames of sam, security, and system are case sensitive. On my system these files are lowercase. I have come across other XP systems where they are uppercase. On the Vista system I have used the filenames are uppercase. 8. # samdump2 /mnt/XXX/WINDOWS/system32/config/system /mnt/XXX/WINDOWS/system32 /config/sam &gt;hash.txt samdump2 will dump the SAM to the screen and the &gt; character redirects the output to a file called hash.txt you can also run samdump2 with the -o parameter to write the output to a file # samdump2 -o hash.txt /mnt/XXX/WINDOWS/system32/config/sam syskey.txt</p><p>5 of 45</p><p>2/15/2010 3:48 PM</p><p>Cracking Passwords Version 1.1</p><p>file:///D:/password10.html</p><p> Cached Credentials The only Linux based application to dump cached credentials I found is creddump which can be found at http://code.google.com/p/creddump/. samdump v2.0.1 couldn't do this so I wrote the code to dump cached credentials. I have submitted it upstream so I hope to see this feature in the next version. 3.1.2 Using Windows Tools Using fgdump To dump local passwords: 1. Login to the system as an administrator and get to a command prompt (Start, Run, cmd). Since this my system I know administrator password. You could also try to use metasploit to attack your system to get to a command prompt. 2. Download one of the fgdump files from http://swamp.foofus.net/fizzgig/fgdump/downloads.htm and unzip it. 3. run the fgdump utility you downloaded C:&gt; fgdump -v 4. copy the file to a floppy or USB thumb drive if you are going to use BackTrack to crack the hashes You can dump passwords from remote systems but only if you know the remote local administrator password or have domain administrator privledges. 1. Login to the system as an administrator and get to a command prompt (Start, Run, cmd). Since this my system I know administrator password. You could also try to use metasploit to attack your system to get to a command prompt. 2. Download one of the fgdump files from http://swamp.foofus.net/fizzgig/fgdump/downloads.htm and unzip it. 3. run the fgdump utility you downloaded C:&gt; fgdump -v -h hostname -u Username -p Password where hostname is the name or ip of the remote system you want to retreive the passwords from Username is the username of the account to connect to the remote system with; usually Administrator or DomainAdministrator or an account with Domain Administrator privledges. Password is the password of the above account NOTE: If you have a firewall installed on the remote system this will not work. 4. copy the file to a floppy or USB thumb drive if you are going to use BackTrack to crack the hashes Using gsecdump Thanks to williamc for pointing out another password dumping tool. These instructions are based on the Exploitation part of his Intranet Exploitation tutorial. 1. Login to the system as an administrator and get to a command prompt (Start, Run, cmd). Sin.</p>